About Us


Our Mission

Our mission is to effectively manage and enhance………

Our mission is to effectively manage and enhance our community facilities
and services to adapt to the evolving needs of our members. We strive to cultivate unity and
connection within our community, promote a deeper understanding and practice of Islam, and
create a welcoming, supportive environment for all.

Our Vision

 is to cultivate a resilient and vibrant Muslim community………

Our vision is to cultivate a resilient and vibrant Muslim community in
Melbourne’s Southeastern Region that champions the understanding and practice of Islam. We
celebrate cultural diversity and strive for harmony among all individuals. Our Masjid will serve as a
welcoming sanctuary for Muslims of all ages, backgrounds, and genders, fostering inclusivity and

Our Objectives

 focus on promoting the understanding………

 Our objectives focus on promoting the understanding and practice of Islam
through educational initiatives and community events that strengthen connections among
members. We are committed to expanding our mosque and its facilities to meet the needs of our
growing community, ensuring that we provide a space that evolves alongside our members’
diverse requirements.